Line chart with stacking ability.

  data = NULL,
  series = NULL,
  x = NULL,
  render = c("svg", "canvas"),
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  element_id = NULL



data set in data.frame.

series, x

column names of series and x value. if not provided, it will use the first column as x value, and others as series.


"svg" (responsive) or "canvas". "canvas" is well suited for large data sets as it does not impact DOM tree depth, however you'll lose the isomorphic rendering ability.


additional arguments.

width, height

Must be a valid CSS unit (like '100%', '400px', 'auto') or a number, which will be coerced to a string and have 'px' appended.


element id of widgets.


a nivo Line component

See also


library(nivor) # generate data data <- data.frame( year = 2000:2005, JavaScript = runif(6, min = 0, max = 50), ReasonML = runif(6, min = 0, max = 50), TypeScript = runif(6, min = 0, max = 50), Elm = runif(6, min = 0, max = 50), CoffeeScript = runif(6, min = 0, max = 50) ) # the simplest use n_line(data) # an example of a slightly more complex setup n_line( data = data, margin = list( top = 50, right = 110, bottom = 50, left = 60 ), xScale = list( type = "point" ), yScale = list( type = "linear", min = "auto", max = "auto", stacked = TRUE, reverse = FALSE ), yFormat = " >-.2f", axisTop = NA, axisRight = NA, axisBottom = list( orient = "bottom", tickSize = 5, tickPadding = 5, tickRotation = 0, legend = "year", legendOffset = 36, legendPosition = "middle" ), axisLeft = list( orient = "left", tickSize = 5, tickPadding = 5, tickRotation = 0, legend = "count", legendOffset = -40, legendPosition = "middle" ), pointSize = 10, pointColor = list( theme = "background" ), pointBorderWidth = 2, pointBorderColor = list( from = "serieColor" ), pointLabelYOffset = -12, useMesh = TRUE, legends = list( list( anchor = "bottom-right", direction = "column", justify = FALSE, translateX = 100, translateY = 0, itemsSpacing = 0, itemDirection = "left-to-right", itemWidth = 80, itemHeight = 20, itemOpacity = 0.75, symbolSize = 12, symbolShape = "circle", symbolBorderColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, .5)", effects = list( list( on = "hover", style = list( itemBackground = "rgba(0, 0, 0, .03)", itemOpacity = 1 ) ) ) ) ) )