Pie Visualization
n_pie( data, id = NULL, value = NULL, label = NULL, render = c("svg", "canvas"), ..., width = NULL, height = NULL, elementId = NULL )
data | a data.frame contains value for create the pie |
id | the name of the column used to represent the group. |
value | column names for value. |
label | column names for label. If not provided, id is used as the label by default. |
render | "svg" (responsive) or "canvas". "canvas" is well suited for large data sets as it does not impact DOM tree depth, however you'll lose the isomorphic rendering ability. |
... | additional arguments. |
width, height | Must be a valid CSS unit (like |
elementId | element id of widgets |
a pie component
library(nivor) # generate data set.seed(1) data <- data.frame( id = c("Elixir", "Haskell", "Scala", "JavaScript", "Hack"), label = c("Elixir", "Haskell", "Scala", "JavaScript", "Hack"), value = round(rexp(5) * 100, 0), color = c( "hsl(208, 70%, 50%)", "hsl(275, 70%, 50%)", "hsl(141, 70%, 50%)", "hsl(104, 70%, 50%)", "hsl(119, 70%, 50%)" ) ) # the simplest use n_pie(data) # render with customization. n_pie( data = data, margin = list(top = 40, right = 80, bottom = 80, left = 80), innerRadius = 0.5, padAngle = 0.7, cornerRadius = 3, colors = list(scheme = "nivo"), borderWidth = 1, borderColor = list( from = "color", modifiers = list( c("darker", 0.2) ) ), radialLabelsSkipAngle = 10, radialLabelsTextColor = "#333333", radialLabelsLinkColor = list( from = "color" ), sliceLabelsSkipAngle = 10, sliceLabelsTextColor = "#333333", defs = list( list( id = "dots", type = "patternDots", background = "inherit", color = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)", size = 4, padding = 1, stagger = TRUE ), list( id = "lines", type = "patternLines", background = "inherit", color = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)", rotation = -45, lineWidth = 6, spacing = 10 ) ), fill = list( list( match = list(id = "JavaScript"), id = "dots" ), list( match = list(id = "Haskell"), id = "lines" ) ), legends = list( list( anchor = "bottom", direction = "row", justify = FALSE, translateX = 0, translateY = 56, itemsSpacing = 0, itemWidth = 100, itemHeight = 18, itemTextColor = "#999", itemDirection = "left-to-right", itemOpacity = 1, symbolSize = 18, symbolShape = "circle", effects = list( list( on = "hover", style = list( itemTextColor = "#999" ) ) ) ) ) )