Styling options for ball and stick representations.
sphereScale = 0.3,
colorScheme = NULL,
color = NULL,
sphereRadius = NULL,
stickRadius = 0.25,
hidden = FALSE,
opacity = 1,
colorfunc = NULL
Relative scaling of sphere atomic radii.
Specify scheme to color the atoms by. Default is "default". Other choices are "Carbon", "ssPyMOL", "ssJmol", "Jmol", "default", "amino", "shapely", "nucleic", "chain", "chainHetatm", "prop".
Specific coloring for everything in selection, overrides any specified colorScheme.
Set absolute radius for all spheres in selection (overriding the atomic raddii)l
Set absolute radius for all sticks in the selection.
Boolean - do not show atoms in selection. Default FALSE
Opacity of spheres and sticks, 0 being invisible, 1 being opaque. Must be the same for all atoms in the model.
Allows the user to provide a function for setting the colorSchemes, written in javascript. Official Documentation
r3dmol() %>%
m_add_model(data = pdb_1j72, format = "pdb") %>%
m_set_style(style = m_style_ballnstick()) %>%